Sensi "Ninfato" No Added Sulfite Sangiovese
"Ninfato" is a full bodied Sangiovese wine with a delicate cherry and red berry aroma and is produced via a completely natural process, from the moment the grapes are harvested until the product is bottled.
This wine is fermented without the use of added Sulphites, thus limiting the amount present to less than 9mg/L.
For these reasons, Ninfato is a new frontier in our production system, where old Tuscan winemaking methods lead us back to a healthier and more well balanced lifestyle.
A Genuine Story that Tastes of Wine - What is "Ninfato"?
The rare butterfly "Charaxes Jasius" is particularly common on the Tyrrhenian Coast, mainly on the Tuscan Side, where it has found it s ideal habitat.
It is commonly known under the most romantic name of "Nymph of the Strawberry Tree" because it lives in the woods where those plants are and of which leaves and fruits it feeds on. The children, however, know this butterfly with a different name, the "Drunken Butterfly" or more simply, "The Boozer" for its habit of going to the vineyards to suck the sugary and tasty grapes.
In fact, long ago when "The Boozer" copiously populated the Tuscan Coasts, the children amused themselves by capturing this beautiful butterfly adopting a simple but effective trick. They would go to the woods where the greedy butterfly shelters and lay a glass of wine. Immediately attracted by the sweet nectar, "The Boozer" would arrive and start sucking the wine before attempting to fly off. At that point, it was easy for children to capture the "Drunken Butterfly". Inevitably, the parents of these children would free these graceful creatures because it was known they would help the farmers realise when grapes were ripe and ready to harvest.
The sense of freedom and lightness that this story recalls is the same that you get when you taste the Ninfato. An authentic wine with limited presence of sulfites and is as light as the "Nymph of the Strawberry Tree"