Special occasion coming up? Order wine in bulk and save!

Special occasion coming up? Order wine in bulk and save!

Angelica Nohra
Wine Importer | Wine List Consultant | Speaker

Big Birthday Parties, Big weddings, big engagements...whatever it is, it's always nice to have wines at your event that tell a story as special as the story you are celebrating. 

Break the ice at your next party by serving wines that aren't found in the everyday, big chain bottle shops. Wines that come from small producers that win the best awards or have the richest history, they provided something to talk about. 

Whether it's the fact that Champagne Henri Abelé was served on the Titanic or pioneered the frozen disgorge method or whether Sensi is the largest Chianti producer in Italy, it always provides a point of difference and a bit of bragging rights at your next party. 

How nice is it to be the 'one in the know'? How nice is it to have all the best wines delivered straight to your door? How nice is it to set a budget for wine for your next party and have wines that over deliver for the price? How nice is it not to have to run around bottleshops looking for a bargain? How nice is it to have a conversation about what your preferences are and just have someone do all the 'buying' for you? How nice is it to take the 'thinking' out of buying wine? 

How many bottles do I need? How much sparkling should i buy? What rosé is best right now? Let us handle all that for you. 

That's what we can do for you at Direct Wine Cellars. Have a chat with us and we can have your wines that suit your party, delivered in bulk, at wholesale prices, direct to your door. We will even share the stories with you so you can let your friends and family know what you are drinking! 

We also deliver Australia Wide!

Give me a call around 2 weeks to a month before your next party on (02) 4773 4400 so we can ensure timely deliver. 

As we say on our site, buy by the case and save...or even more appropriately, buy in bulk and SAVE. 

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