Situated in the North-East, Veneto is the fifth largest region in Italy. You may have heard of their capital city? Venezia..(Venice)...a maze of a city full of gondolas, vino, art, churches, architecture and REALLY expensive coffee.
Venice has such a vibrant culture of education, art, literature, cuisine, cheese, festivals and music. It's a magical city to explore and I highly recommend it. Venice is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site as is Verona, L'Orto Botanico di Padova, Vicenza and the Dolomites.
The wine areas of Veneto include Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Alto Adige and Trentino, and Veneto. You may have heard of Soave, Bardolino, Recioto, Amarone, Torcalato, Valpolicella, Moscato, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir, Pinot Grigio and Merlot...PLUS, the very famous and HUGELY popular, PROSECCO!! Prosecco is a dry sparkling made from Glera (renamed prosecco after the village of Prosecco - Trieste). It is grown near Conegliano and Valdobbiadene in the hills north of Treviso.
Another famous Venetian invention is the Spritz which usually consists of ⅓ sparkling wine and ⅔ Aperol. Campari or gin may also be used. There is nothing more Italian than sitting in St Mark's Square at 4pm drinking a Spritz and enjoying "aperitivo"...basically a whole 3 hours of buffet to enjoy before you have dinner! (The Italians know how to eat).
So get yourself a glass of Prosecco or Pinot Grigio and toast to a fabulous region in Italy.