To fully enjoy your Italian wine-drinking experience, practice with the following pronunciation guide — the syllable in all CAPS is the one to accent. Soon, you'll be speaking Italian like a true wine lover.
Amarone: ah mah RO nae
Brunello di Montalcino: brew NEL lo dee mahn tahl CHEE no
Chianti Classico: key AHN tee CLAHS see co
Dolcetto: dohl CHET toh
Morellino di Scansano: moh-ray-LEE-no • dee • scahn-ZAH-no
Prosecco: pro-SAY-ko
Montepulciano: mon tae pull chee AH noh
Moscato d'Asti: mo SCAH toh DAHS tee
Pinot Grigio: pee noh GREE joe
Rosso Cònero: ROHS so COH neh ro
Vernaccia di San Gimignano: vair-NAH-chah • dee • san • jim-min-YAH-no
Soave: so AH vae
Taurasi: touw RAH see
Vermentino: vair-men-TEE-noh
Vino Nobile di Montepulciano: VEE no NO bee lae dee mahn tae pool chee AH no
What are your favourite words to pronounce? Let us know below!